In the program, a worker openly admitted to mixing chicken skin with chicken breast meat, while in another scene, employees were filmed putting out-of-date chicken breasts back into refrigerators for later use. 在暗访过程中,一名员工公开承认把鸡皮和鸡胸脯肉混在一起,另一个镜头中可以看到,员工把过期的鸡肉放回到冰箱以待后续使用。
I'm going to order a broiled skinless chicken breast, but I want you to bring me lasagna and garlic bread by mistake. 我要点一份烤去皮鸡胸肉,可是,我希望能够因为你的失误,再给我拿来浇汁宽条面和大蒜面包。
These symbolize the eight immortals and the Arhats are symbolized by the inclusion of chicken breast. 这些象征着八仙,而罗汉(相当于佛教中的圣徒)则用鸡脯来象征。
Place the chicken breast on cutting board, with one sheet of plastic film under it, and cover it with another sheet. 将鸡胸肉放置在砧板上,上下各铺一张保鲜膜。
The person of a lot of chicken breast grows along with the age, notice filling calcium, improved slowly. 很多鸡胸的人随年龄增长,注重补钙,慢慢好转了。
But chicken breast contains such small amounts of the proteins that it could not be used to develop food and medical products for high blood pressure. 但是鸡胸肉中这种胶原蛋白含量太少,不足以用来发展生产治疗高血压的食品和药品产业。
Grilled chicken breast, Jack and Cheddar cheeses, roasted corn, black beans, fire-roasted mild chilies, red onions and cilantro tipped with Parmesan cheese, Served with fresh guacamole. 秘制青柠鸡胸肉、特里杰克干酪、打芝士、黑豆蓉和烧辣椒丝、上年油梨酱。
Choose turkey or chicken breast at the deli counter. 在熟食店选择一个鸡胸脯。
Homemade tomato sauce with meatballs, Italian sausage and sliced chicken breast served over spaghetti. 自制番茄酱和肉丸,意大利香肠和鸡胸肉薄片,浇盖意大利面条。
And with you I am most happy thing, boneless chicken breast strips, holding it like you have soft hands, I felt Pepsi. 和你在一起是我最幸福的事,牵着你那无骨鸡柳般柔软的手,我就感到百事可乐。
Is your best choice an energy fix of fries and a shake or a broiled chicken breast and low-fat yogurt? If you pick the high-fat fries and shake, you may feel sluggish and blow that test. 能使你精神饱满地面对考试的最佳食品是炸薯条和奶昔,还是鸡胸肉和低脂酸奶?如果你选中了高脂肪的炸薯条和奶昔,你就会感到非常懒散,很可能考砸了。
Hsieh has developed a process that makes the soy product simulate the fibrous qualities of a chicken breast. 如斜川现已经可以做到,使豆制品模拟出鸡胸脯的丝状质地。
Optimization of conditions to process cooked chicken breast by ultra-high pressure using response surface methodology 响应曲面法优化超高压处理熟制鸡肉条件的研究
One day last week, she served him steamed broccoli for breakfast, raw ribs for a snack, and a grilled chicken breast and baked sweet potato for dinner. 上周的一天,她给它吃蒸椰菜当早饭,生排骨做零食,烤鸡胸和甘薯做晚餐。
The good news: You can go lean with cuts like pork tenderloin, skinless chicken breast, and lean ground beef. 好消息是:你可以选择里脊肉、去皮鸡胸肉和碎牛肉。
After showering, I exercised out my bottomless stomach and was pleasantly informed that I could in fact stuff down a steak, a chicken breast, bunch of sushi, salad, and a bunch of shrimp. 在淋浴以后,我的胃行使了无限的权利,装下了大量的牛排、鸡胸脯肉、寿司,沙拉和虾后,又填塞进一些美味的饼干。
A little chopped chicken breast ( or any meat) 一点切碎的鸡胸肉(或任何肉)
Pat the chicken breast and season them with salt and pepper on both sides. 轻轻拍打鸡胸肉,并用盐和胡椒调味。(拍打鸡肉,用刀面轻拍即可。)
In western countries people think chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird, while Chinese people are happier with a wing or le. 在西方国家,人们认为白嫩的胸肉是鸡身上最好的部位,而在中国人们更喜欢吃鸡翅、鸡腿。
No one knew he was the mysterious thrower of the chicken breast. 没人知道他就是那个神秘的扔鸡胸脯的人。
After being cured in western-style brine, well-selected top quality chicken breast, are put on the shelf. To preserve ( meat, for example), as by salting, smoking, or aging. 精选上等的鸡胸肉,经过中式配方盐水的腌制后上架,果木烟熏、制而成。腌,熏制通过腌、熏或陈化等方式保存(肉等)
In a medium hot skillet, fry the chicken breast till fully cooked. Then shred them to pieces by hands. 鸡胸放置中型煎锅上煎至全熟,之后可用手撕成细件。
Walking into a burger joint and grabbing a chicken breast on a white bread bun with a piece of old lettuce and a half-green, half-pink tomato is barely healthy eating. 到饼摊店抓一块鸡肉夹的白馒头里,加一段莴苣菜和半生半熟番茄才是健康用餐。
Ganpiao roll as a deepfreeze food is made from fresh shallot, kohlrabi, chicken breast meat, egg and else. 干飘卷是以新鲜元葱、大头菜、鸡胸肉和鸡蛋为主要原料,经过一系列加工制成的冷冻调理食品。
Skinless chicken breast and turkey, pork loin, tenderloin, flank steak. 去皮鸡胸肉和火鸡丶瘦猪肉,例如:肉眼,角肉或法兰肉排(炒牛肉)
Effect of pH and polyphosphates on WHC of heat-induced gelation of chicken breast and leg salt-soluble proteins pH和多聚磷酸盐对不同类型鸡肉热诱导凝胶保水性的影响
Effect of curing conditions, added amount of chicken fat in product and methods of drying on tissue structure, mouth feel and flavour of Minced Chicken Breast Meat Roupu were studied. 试验对鸡胸肉糜脯的腌制条件、鸡腹脂添加量及脱水方法对产品组织状态、口感和风味的影响进行了研究。
Processing of Chicken Breast 肉鸡胸脯肉的加工
Effects of different thawing methods on water holding capacity of muscle The effects of repeating freezing at-18 ℃ and thawing in hydrostatic and air on the WHC, the protein denaturation, muscle structure, protein solubility and color were investigated using chicken breast as raw materials. 不同解冻方法对鸡肉保水性的影响以鸡胸肉为原料,研究了空气解冻和静水解冻对肉样保水性能、蛋白质溶解性、肌肉组织结构和色泽的变化。
The results were described as follows. 1. The variations of the solubility and the gel WHC between salt-soluble proteins were dependent on extractive conditions of chicken breast and thigh. 研究结果分述如下。1、鸡胸肉和鸡腿肉盐溶蛋白质的溶解性和凝胶保水性之间的区别决定于盐溶蛋白质的提取条件。